Tuesday, August 5, 2008


Six years ago Robbie was diagnosed with Aspergers and anxiety disorder. It has been a long road since then. There have been lots and lots of tears, meetings, more tears, dr's appointments and medication. Yesterday his doctor, after six years has released him from her care (unless things were to change, but we aren't expecting this) and free from the depokote that he has been on. WOW what a praise to God and cause for celebration. Robbie told us when he was younger that he didn't have Aspergers but hamburgers and yesterday I said "Robbie you have beat this hamburger syndrome" and he said "I let it control me for a long time and now I am in control of it!" Robbie also said that he has learned that no matter what the situation, just smile because it helps. I wondered why he has been smiling so much especially when a lot of them looked very forced! God has blessed me so much with Robbie. God has such big plans for him and this too was obviously part of His plan. I and so many others have learned a lot from Robbie, not just math facts but about life and challenges and how to face them. Six years ago I was mad at God because my child had special needs but learned very quickly to praise Him and thank Him for the wonderful person Robbie is and how Robbie blessed so many people along the way, especially me. Robbie will always have Aspergers but he has control of it now and we couldn't be more proud.


Anonymous said...

I am glad I decided to check your blog today, I can't believe it. It moves me to tears just thinking about it. I am so proud of Robbie, I can't believe it. He did it! I am so proud of him and I know Jeff would be too.
Miss you guys,