Monday, August 25, 2008

Peter's Baptism

Peter was baptized on Sunday August17th. What a wonderful moment for all of us. Peter asked Christ into his heart Christmas eve 2006. He didn't talk much about baptism but totally got what being a believer in Christ meant. This last spring we were having quite a thunderstorm. Peter is terrified of storms and I mean TERRIFIED!!!!! During this storm Peter said, so mom, if I die tonight I will still go to heaven even though I haven't been baptized right?" I told him that yes he would and that baptism is an outward sign showing that you believe that Jesus is God's son and died for us. He then with a huge sigh said "Wow, what do I have to be afraid of then!!!!"
Peter decided that he wanted to get baptized and after talking to Pastor Gann he decided that the next available Sunday he was in! Peter was awesome, not nervous at all. He knew what he was doing and we could not have been more proud of him and his love for Christ.

We were very blessed to be surrounded by our small group, friends and Peter's best friend Brig. I can't wait to see what wonderful plans God has for this young man.

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Saturday, August 16, 2008

Where does time go?

Where does time go? Robbie was born just yesterday wasn't he??? Such a beautiful little boy who loved to learn and read. He is now a freshman and his love for learning and reading hasn't changed. I know he will have a great freshman year. I am so proud of him!
Oh Peter and Danielle! They are now in first and third. Once again, how did this happen? I need to embrace them and inhale them more because way to soon they will be gone and out on their own! Slow down please!!!!!!
The summer flew by as well but the kids were ready to go back. Danielle was most excited because that meant she got new clothes!!!! Once again embrace every moment!!!!!!!
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Sunday, August 10, 2008

We gave in!!!

Danielle has been wanting to get her ears pierced for a very long time. We told her that she could when she was 10 but would talk about it when she turned 8. Well she is almost 7 and she got them pierced today!!!! We are weak!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They do look very cute though!

Danielle was very brave, she said it hurt, her eyes watered up and she giggled all at the same time!

Danielle's best friend Mikayla and her mom Kim went with us and afterwards Mikayla gave Danielle a friendship bracelet. They are such good friends!

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Day of Beauty

The girls wanted to have their hair done so we decided to do crazy hair in honor of Haley and Isa's mom Jennifer( my niece). When Jennifer was about Haleys age she spent a few days with me and she let me do her hair. I put hot rollers in and back combed and used lots of hair spray. I thought she looked beautiful(it was the 80's). Jennifer looked in the mirror and cried!!!!!!!!! She has not let me forget about it!!!!!!! So Jennifer here's to you, CRAZY HAIR!!!!!! I had too much fun!
We decided the girls looked like "Who's" from Whoville!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Who needs toys when you've got tape and paper

The kids spent an entire day making paper airplanes, parachutes,coloring and painting boxes .

Taton loved making the airplanes and launching them from the top of the stairs. We also found that he loves boxes as much as Robbie!!!!!

What fun it was watching each of them create and use their imaginations and how affordable this day was when you have 6 children to entertain!

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waterpark fun

We had so much fun at the waterpark. We took Robbie's friend Joel and Peter's bud Brigham plus our 6, so there were 10 of us! Everyone did great and no one was ready to leave except for Marty and I.

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Tuesday, August 5, 2008


Six years ago Robbie was diagnosed with Aspergers and anxiety disorder. It has been a long road since then. There have been lots and lots of tears, meetings, more tears, dr's appointments and medication. Yesterday his doctor, after six years has released him from her care (unless things were to change, but we aren't expecting this) and free from the depokote that he has been on. WOW what a praise to God and cause for celebration. Robbie told us when he was younger that he didn't have Aspergers but hamburgers and yesterday I said "Robbie you have beat this hamburger syndrome" and he said "I let it control me for a long time and now I am in control of it!" Robbie also said that he has learned that no matter what the situation, just smile because it helps. I wondered why he has been smiling so much especially when a lot of them looked very forced! God has blessed me so much with Robbie. God has such big plans for him and this too was obviously part of His plan. I and so many others have learned a lot from Robbie, not just math facts but about life and challenges and how to face them. Six years ago I was mad at God because my child had special needs but learned very quickly to praise Him and thank Him for the wonderful person Robbie is and how Robbie blessed so many people along the way, especially me. Robbie will always have Aspergers but he has control of it now and we couldn't be more proud.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Cheaper by the half dozen day two

Today we went to church, went swimming, took a nap (Issa and Aunt Angie), played Wii and painted our toes and fingernails.

Peter and Taton are inseperable! They are great buds and are constantly playing and talking.

Here is the gang minus Robbie (he didn't want in the picture). We tried to make a pryamid so this is as good as it got!!!

Taton loves Einstein!

Painting toes and fingernails.
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Cheaper by the half dozen

Cheaper by the half dozen is our new motto!
We love every minute of it! We woke up this morning to see 5 of the kids in sleeping bags on our floor all snuggled in and sound asleep and right beside them was Einstein! This was so fun to see and I can't believe that I didn't take a picture! (whats up with that?) Getting ready for church was easier than I could have imagined. Everyone got dressed quickly and the girls all wanted very easy hair styles. YEAH!!!!!!!! Even breakfast was super easy. Thank goodness for cereal and pop-tarts!!!

Saturday, August 2, 2008

COOKIES by Chef Issa

While Issa was making cookies she turned the blender on high and flour flew everywhere! It was so funny. She said "Uh-oh, I sorry!" I told her that it was ok and she cracked up! The cookies were YUMMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Mine plus three

My niece and her husband are heading to Cancun for a wonderful week alone and I get the honor of watching 3 of their 4 children. They are such wonderful kids, I may not give them back!!!!!!! Today is day 1 and we went swimming, played and made chocolate chip cookies(pictures to follow soon)!

Isabelle is playing peek-a-boo! She cracks me up!

Haley and Danielle get along great and had so much fun swimming!

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