Monday, July 28, 2008

Bed Head

Peter has the best head of hair. Every morning he wakes up and comes down the stairs
in almost Kramer (from Seinfeld) fashion. It is always crazy and cracks me up. He just
looks at me and says "whaaaat??????????????"
Oh to be young and not really care what your hair looks like!

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Saturday, July 26, 2008

Three generations

My mother is spending a few weeks with us and yesterday we decided to set up a nail shop. We gave ourselves pedicures, and put really cool stickers on our toes and also manicures. I love these pictures. The young feet, the getting old feet and the tired older feet each different but so much the same. I look at my mama's feet and it makes me sad to see them so tired and understandably so, they have been through a life of walking to school, church, store anywhere when she was young. They carried her when she was pregnant with all 3 of her daughters. They held her up when she worked long hard hours at Beech and now they have learned to move, walk and support her all over again since her stroke. We take so many things for granted. I watched my mom one day be able to do whatever she wanted to the next instant not being able to stand or walk and support herself. She is so strong and has come so far since April 1st. I am thankful for her, her strength and her love. God truely blessed me with an incredible momma! I love you momma!
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Tuesday, July 22, 2008

More wedding photos

The wedding party.
The colors were silver and blue because my nephew is such a cowboys fan!
Me and my mom. She is doing so well after having a stroke a few months ago! I am so proud of her!
Me and Neto
Marty and I had a lot of fun dancing!
Me and my sis. She did a great job and looked beautiful!

Neto and Jenni's wedding

My nephew got married over the weekend. Here is a picture of Neto and his mom, dad, sister and her family, Granny (in the pink), my mom(his grandma) and his other grandma(in the blue). Granny is 98 and is just amazing.

Monday, July 21, 2008

green beans

Grandma is spending a couple of weeks with us. She brought a large bag of home-grown green beans, zucchini and squash. The kids snapped the beans today with Grandma. This was something they had never done and found it quite fascinating. I love watching the kids learn from their Grandma. She has had so many health problems here lately and I am so thankful to have her here with us.

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Wednesday, July 16, 2008


What a joy this young man is. The wedding ceremony(Miss Cerritelli's wedding) was a challenge due to it being outside, bugs and those darn flip-flops that I made him wear (never again)! He did however make it to the reception and what fun we did have. The food was great, especially the candy table and oh yes "cheeeeeese" (Robbie's favorite) and the dancing was so much fun. How rare it is today to have a 15 year old boy who enjoys dancing with the younger kids and even his mom. He is such a blessing to me. I love him so much and am so proud of him and who he is!
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Tuesday, July 8, 2008


Blueberries, oh is there anything more beautiful and wonderful to eat??!!! I love picking them and always look forward to this time of year so we can pick. We started picking blueberries when we moved here 13 years ago. We would go with my dear friend Gayle and her boys. What fun we had! I still smile thinking about Robbie then 2 or 3 looking only for the perfect blueberry and then once he found one he would yell "hey mom, I gotta good one"! I wish Gayle were here with us to pick blueberries but I guess Alaska has blueberries too!!!! Wish I could be there to pick with her. Can you tell I miss her??????????????

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Saturday, July 5, 2008

More wedding photos

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Miss C's wedding

Peter and Danielle's kindergarten teacher got married on the 4th of July. It was a beautiful wedding.

Peter and Brig being silly.
My dear friend Debra.
What a fun wedding!Posted by Picasa

4th of July

4th of July is always fun for the kids. They decorate their bikes and participate in our neighborhood parade.

Best buds hanging out after the parade.

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