Monday, August 25, 2008

Peter's Baptism

Peter was baptized on Sunday August17th. What a wonderful moment for all of us. Peter asked Christ into his heart Christmas eve 2006. He didn't talk much about baptism but totally got what being a believer in Christ meant. This last spring we were having quite a thunderstorm. Peter is terrified of storms and I mean TERRIFIED!!!!! During this storm Peter said, so mom, if I die tonight I will still go to heaven even though I haven't been baptized right?" I told him that yes he would and that baptism is an outward sign showing that you believe that Jesus is God's son and died for us. He then with a huge sigh said "Wow, what do I have to be afraid of then!!!!"
Peter decided that he wanted to get baptized and after talking to Pastor Gann he decided that the next available Sunday he was in! Peter was awesome, not nervous at all. He knew what he was doing and we could not have been more proud of him and his love for Christ.

We were very blessed to be surrounded by our small group, friends and Peter's best friend Brig. I can't wait to see what wonderful plans God has for this young man.

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Addie said...

Whoop, whoop! I was so excited for you all on that day! It was neat to watch, congratulations! I love how he came to the decision completely of his own accord. It's amazing watching the Holy Spirit work in our kids lives.

Thanks for sharing the story with us!

Heather L. said...

How wonderful!