Friday, September 12, 2008


We had our annual IEP (Individual Education Plan) meeting for Robbie yesterday. All I can say is God is good!!!! Everyone had only awesome things to say about Robbie. They have all seen how far he has come since 7th grade when he began Jr. High. 7th grade was very rough on him and everyone who had him in class and our family. We ached at how much he was struggling everyday. We knew that God had a plan but just didn't know what or how to help Robbie. We have a team of educators at his school that truely care for Robbie and are amazed at Robbie's mind and gift. They went above and beyond to help Robbie and we are so very grateful. 8th grade got better and he had such wonderful teachers who embraced him and challenged him. Now as a 9th grader Robbie is amazing us all. He enjoys school (he says it is now challenging and not boring) and has had to leave a classroom ZERO times! Writing was his biggest trigger for meltdowns and yesterday his Pre-AP English teacher got emotional telling us how much she adores Robbie and how she is amazed at the growth he has shown. She also shared that his writing is incredible and the stress level is pretty much not there when it comes to writing. He understands that he did his best and that is good enough! WOW!!!!!!! After the meeting one of the team members shared with us of how her son was just diagnosed with Aspergers. She said it was hard to hear but she knew there was hope that he would be ok because she sees how Robbie has grown and what he is doing and how he is overcoming his diagnosis. We have had several mom's appoach us about their children being diagnosed with Aspergers. I know part of Gods plan now. Because of Robbie people see that their IS hope. I love this young man so very much and am so proud of him!
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Heather L. said...

What a wonderful report! God is good!